Saturday, March 11, 2006


Spring _Cillit Bang - issue April 2006.

Spring Gossip and Grumbles with

Pizza Girl .

Agent Ease.
We are pleased to bring to the market this immaculate and very stylish, recently constructed, self contained column. (Exceptionally well presented.Ed ) Boasting unique gossip and grumbles offering fantastic far reaching views of the favoured Dials area throughout. Stunning features that must be seen. Tasty Taps.

Its official.
The Parker Bathroom - Tapas Empire is to joins forces with the Idlewild Gift Emporium . "Presents by Post" will now add Audrey Hepburn shower curtains and bulls tripe with chorizzo kidneys to its service. Dalls Tapas restaurant will be re-launched as Tasty Taps
Best wishes to all concerned.

Many thanks to the dozens of well wishers for your emails and cards I ‘m happy to report that third hubby Adrian’s penis reduction operation was a complete success. The bandages have now been removed and thankfully there are no "complications" a great relief for us both.

Is War a bad mistake of mankind ?
The female zeitgeist of the sixties and seventies was the struggle for womens liberation. Surely the defining characteristics for women in this era will be that we are called guys, suffer from kidney disease from extended exposure of the midriff and that we sport naff tattoos at the base of our spines. We say “ Men move aside.” You could do no better than letting us take over. What do you say girls?

Good ship lollipop.
Thanks must go to the Council for looking after the trees in Compton Avenue.Two years ago they were re-designed to resemble arbetorial lollipops. Last month
four were removed “Felled for the well being of the trees concerned”
Thanks also to the Council for fixing the blackout on many West Hill streets in a record breaking seven days.

TV’s Watchdog voted Co-op bottom for service shock.
The Chinese have an old saying " Man who can not smile shouldn't work in shop" . Obviously no one mentioned that to a few of the staff at our Ritzy Glitzy new Co-op. I've been in six times since the refit but I still haven’t bought anything .Why? My
modern demanding 24/ 7 life style means I just don't have time to wait around gossiping in the even longer queues. I currently shop at the new Magdusia Polish Sklep in Chatham Place their Smetenana is the best this side of Krakow and their processed Wtaszczowa Edamski is gorgeous but remember w Nedziele od 8 do10 . Dziekuje.

“ Hi I’m Neil Burgess”
Cillit Banger Barry Scott, recently seen pressing the flesh in West Hill is according to Google an actor named Neil Burgess from Doncaster. Amazingly Neil is the step brother of Springfield super star Troy McClure. Now who ever said that surfing the internet was a waste of time?

Its all for the kids after all.
Super Posh neighbours Clifton and Montpelier are applying for a multi million pound community and resource centre to be built in the NHS storage "shed" next to the kiddies hospital. "Give us the hospital site and we'll let you have the shed for nout." shouted a cheerful developer from a helicopter. "Who is this Clifton Montpelier guy anyway?” he asked.

Seven Dials Festival 28th August 2006.
Yet more fantastic festival fun for free comes to our manor this summer. The event which includes a farmers market, black container bin racing, live music and a spectacular performance by the French bathroom display team Les Cinque Plungeres. Festival producer and present packing operative Tara Thatcher (no relation to Mrs M ) prime mover and shaker of the event told someone. " The huge successes of the Dials Traders annual Xmas Fandango and the Dials international food fest, shows the energy and commitment of this "vibrant" area. The festival will one hundred percent definately probably happen." she promised. Offers of help to by Thursday please.

Brighton buses might offer Whistler readers the chance to win in an exclusive competition. Readers must take the open top bus to Devils Dyke then count the swimming pools in the gardens along Dyke Road Avenue. Entries should be written on the back of the bus ticket and handed to the driver on alighting. The winner will win free parking for a year at the National Trust car park at Devils Dyke. (Value £740)
Extra prizes will be awarded for the best action swimming shot . Take bus 77You’’ve got to be on it to win it.

late Breaking News Camden Market meets Neals Yard
It is thought that the huge empty car lot on Melville Rd opposite the Post Office is set to become a lively and eclectic blend of a farmers market and an arts and craft quarter.

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