Monday, January 02, 2006


Pizza Girl Bumper Christmas Collectors Limited Edition Special. Issue 15


Gossip and Grumbles.

Bumper Christmas Limited Collectors Edition Special.

With Pizza Girl.

By the time this issue reaches you our streets and shops will be adorned with a blazing, spellblinding cacophony of festive lights. Local boulevards will be as colourful as the night runway at Gatwick. Our stores and bars wil be swamped with City shoppers out to relish the finest Christmas illuminations around. Three cheers, chestnuts by an open fire and a bottle of advocat for the vision and foresight of our local traders. Hoorah thanks and Hosannah Bongo.

Sid the Co-op charity collector now in his ninth record breaking year is looking positively dapper in his bright red Santa outfit emblazoned on the back with his slogan “working not begging”. A spokesperson for his PR agency said “Sid would like to again wish a merry Christmas to all the local people who support him.”

In an earlier column I mistakenly referred to S.O.B.S the saturated fat specialists (S.F.S.)as serving yummy organic burgers,this intelligence was given in good faith but was in fact incorrect, I apologise for any misunderstanding. Why not try one of their healthy option Doner Kebaps for your families Christmas lunch this year? Yum.

According to the P.P.P. (Peoples Parking Protest ) proposed parking plans for the West Hill Dials area (F) will mean that cars from other zones will be lining up to fill our station handy permit bays . Well maybe we should park our cars in their area and see how they like it.

Plans found in a briefcase yesterday reveal a new residential tower block for the site of the Seven Dials roundabout. The anonymous developer and her assistant Hollywood demigod Tom Cruise absolutely definitely promise the 42 storey eco modernist award winning tower will reflect the Regency style of the local area. “ For many the 172 luxury flats will be affordable buy to let housing.” Other community benefits include the lower floor containing an art gallery, a tobacconist and a wet fish shop. “This scheme is not about profit but a love for the area. Brighton’s needs modernist landmark towers everyone knows that. Some people have complained but they are wrong ” said the developers press release.
A decision will be made at a date not yet announced. Watch this space.

Now neighbouring Prestonville has banned smoking from it‘s newly fitted gastro pub. West Hill publicans and restauranteurs will be chuckleing into their bursting tills because they well know that a night out is incomplete without customers going home with rasping throats, burning lungs and the sweet odour of tabac on their clothes.

“ I’m only a passive smoker but I know that no smoking pubs and restaurants will never ever catch on.” a person predicted to me last Thursday.

Jackpot on the Celeb spotting front last month with TV’s Barry Scott the Cillit Bang degreaser man heading the list. Barry was seen pressing the flesh in Alexandra Villas. He was introducing himself to overawed locals whilst singing his cheery refrain “Hi I’m Barry Scott.”
“Good old Barry”. said an excited autograph hunter in a duffel coat. Also spotted Tommy Tinker the light bulb millionaire back from Oz. I can exclusively reveal his next move will be to Italy to share a retirement villa with “chatty” Luigi from the old Italian Shop.

Copenhagen based Gehl Architects who have been awarded the New Road development scheme contract, are thought also to be finalising the designs for the “Dials Gateway Project
“ the part pedestrianisation of Dyke Road from Clifton Road to Bath Street. Cllr Gill Mitchell the Enviro Cszar said “...It will set the standard for future street design in the City.”

Nice one Ashton’s the Chemist. Nuff said.

“Sid the Co-op” has been poached by Fiveways residents as part of their new status as an area earmarked for S.G.U. ( Special Gentrification Upgrade.) A source said “ We are without doubt undoubtedly probably the New Dials We have already persuaded the Tin Drum and Davey’s Tapas to locate here but having a charity collector the calibre of Sid with his quaint catch-phrase “spare some change” is the icing on the cake. ”An undisclosed transfer fee was involved.

The waiting list for the relocation of BBB’s ( Big Black Bins) is to reopen early in 2006.
Residents wanting a bin outside their property should apply to the Environment Department by tomorrow. “ So many residents were disappointed not to have a bin outside their homes we thought this the fairest thing to do.” we were told today. By the way what happened to the promised cleaning and disinfecting of the bins?

A tanfastic Yule to Ya’ ll .

Piazza Grill.

Nail me.



Pizza Girl Plain Old Gossip & Grumbles 14 Oct Nov 2005

Gossip and Grumbles with Pizza Girl.



Goodbye, Fairwell, Adieu.
To the sixties jumble sale shop Pure which indeed brought
a tiny bit of Islington High Street to Chatham Place.

Also aurevoir to Marina Cash Registers Co which was highly regarded on all but one continent. Officiandos of this column will recall it was voted the Pizza Girl Shop front of the year in 2004. Dials residents were distrought “ No fish and chip shop and now nowhere to buy cash registers! What next?” said an older lady wearing an overcoat and head scarf.
Guilford Road Shamed:
Congratulations to the excellent Red Snapper for using carboard to protect your plastic waste bags at night. Yeoman, Bystander and Battle take note .

“Nosy parker”
I went to view the stunning plans for the new housing estate by the recently derelicted garages behind Buckingham Lodge.

Dumping clapped out washing machines and rusty cars was a good move. It made a convincing image of dereliction and neglect in the planning application photos. These canny developers could teach us a few tricks in sublety.

Walk round and have a look, its by the Community hall. Anyone know who owns the garages? Well I did say I was a nosy Parker.
Yummy news:
The Marina Cash Register Co shop is to be taken over by trendy Camden Town institution, the sensational Marine Ices. A spokesperson told my friend . “ Not only is Little London a great location. location, location, but we will have nine letters left over from the shop sign.” Watch this space.
St Annes Well?

All the best to Juliette’s new venture the cafe-bar in St Annes Well Park. Don’t you just love it when you queue for fifteen minutes, make your selection from the board only to discover they have sold out of your first three choices an hour ago. S’pose making a line with chalk does take up valuable time....

My neighbours lesbian lover is a trainee statistician and has kindly worked out that every time the phantom sprayer does her \ his stuff obliterating parking signs it costs a cool £25 for the sign and £20 to actually replace them.This means the culprit has cost us a staggering 1.5 million K (We think). However all that is set to end, eagle eyed West Hillians will have noticed the new “Giraffe” poles ( £50 a pop).

“Unless the Phantom Sprayer is seven foot tall or has orangatan arms we’ve got the B’st**d said the Council parking Czar. “ “And If he/ she has, we’re one step ahead because all wardens are to be issued with temporary printed stickers to cover the graffiti and keep the bays operational.”
Seizing the moment we posed the question that’s on all of our lips “ How will the wardens reach seven foot up?” “ We’ll get back to you on that.” they responded.
Good luck to Hermione with her statistics exams next year.

Make over darling:
I can exclusively reveal the Co-op is to get a re-fit. Claire Cook head of the Co-op PR ( tel 0141 304 5528 ) told our editor: "A refit is planned for the Dyke Road store, but we currently do not have a firm date"
Sounds just like my Adrians ideas to build the new extension and swimming pool at our West Hill mansion.

Joy of Joys:
I’ve got a Tingley feeling. Marine Ices have been outbidded by an estate agent for the vacant cash register shop. How absolutely exciting.
“ I like estate agency more than ice cream. ” said another passing local.

Greasy Spoon Jinx:
Cafe in shock closure shock.Jans pantry has closed just like theTurkish Meze Bar and the Coffee Bar before it. Locals will remember that the Meze Bar incredibly folded at its own launch party. Now another new eatery concept The Hot Lemon Pot Cafe & Craft Hut has been launched on the popular Bath Street site. “ We have our fingers crossed this will be the first in a multi million pound chain.” said an insider.

No A list Celebs reported on the manor last month but B lists included Coronation Street doctor and father to Ashley Peacocks love child, Naughty Matt Ramsden. Matt is believed to be setting up a surgery in Buckingham Road.
Also spotted Simon from Bodger and Badger at a West Hill Hall dance class.
C list spots included self publicist, publicist Jo Brooks the publicist and a second siting this summer of
Sally-naff-llnks-Taylor .

Style Council:
Vivian Westwood designed platform boots are to be issued to all traffic wardens as part of new Council styling initiatives “ We have loads of money” said our insider at parking enforcement. “and anyway signs cost £27 not £25 so you should get your facts straight.” I stand corrected.

Pizza Girl.

Mail me.


Pizza Girl The Hollywood Edition 13 Aug / /Sept 2005


Aug / Sept 2005

Two profusely sweating women are chopping wood in their adjacent West Hill gardens.

( Sound of Gun shots )

“Hey guys
How are you?
I’m good, how are you?
I’m not good,
That’s bad.
It’s wicked that we women are now guys as well.
Yeah wicked.
Who do you reckon has got the biggest fleet?

( Loud screams and shouting )

The Spanish?
No Mishon Makay, their Smart Cars are parked everwhere.
I’ll tell you who has the best teeth, that Tony Udden he’s got the finest nashers in WestHill.
Yes, we’re lucky having the fittest looking real estate agents in Brighton.
Yeah cool.
I’ve heard the traders are doing a saucy Xmas calendar.

( More police sirens sounds )

I expect it’s part of the Dials Xmas spectacular
Probably. I missed it again last year.
Funny so did I.
Staying local Saturday ?
Yes I’m on a new diet, Italian for breakfast,Tapas for lunch,Thai for tea and Japanese for supper.Then it’s over to the Art Bar for some Babycham and a Curry to finish off.
Want to come?
Can’t I’m going on the Compton Avenue 4x4 owners club annual off road drive.
Oh! Where to?
We drive in convoy round and round Dyke Road Park
Sounds er different.
Yes. I’ts a nice change from the school-run

( The Police helicopter hovers low overhead.)

See that French place has opened up.
Next to that other French place,Triangle Design, the one with the rusty old van.
Is it?
No, open?
Yes it sells gourmet French boil in a bag food like Poulet a la basquaise.
I’ve got a red silk one, my Adrian loves it.
Its called Le Petit Pain.
He likes a bit of that to.

(more sirens, shouts, and car doors slamming.)

That makes 15 places selling food between the dentist and the cab office.
At least next to Tinkers is going to be a print shop.
Do you think they’ll do coffees?
Have you seen that amazing tree next to the new kiosks by the organic kebab place?
You mean S.O.B.S
Oh is that what it is! I thought it was a Copper Beech .
’ve heard one of the new kiosks is going to be called Mr Maos selling Chinese political posters, cultural revolution memorabilia and noodles.
That’s nice, what about the other one?

(more gun shots)

Any gossip?
Well apparently Bob Geldoff is getting a place on West Hill street and the News of the World are going to do an expose on the phantom parking sign sprayer.
Geldoff will sort out the parking problems.

(A sudden summer thunder storm the two tatooed women run for cover.)



Pizza Girl Fact or Fiction Issue 12 June / July 2005

Fact or fiction?

Gossip and Grumbles

with Pizza Girl

Flex those Mussels. The runaway success of the Bank Bar heralds more changes on the Dials North |Side.
rumours abound,

Austin Rees management department are to relocate, re-locate, relocate, freeing up valuable Dials retail space. Lined up is Brighton'’s first branch of the Belgian catering giant Belga .
A passing local said " Yum I like mussels more than management and so do my neighbour's".

All West Hill residents over 67 are to be given government retraining grants, a crack team of Greek and Turkish pensioners are to be flown over to give expert one to one tuition in the playing of backgammon and in the use of worry beads. Once trained our residents will be dressed in black and loaned out to local bars. They will also sited on public benches and at intersections. Zap Arts the power house behind the scheme discovered the funding for the project in an Arts Council filing cabinet.

The Co-op is to have a major refit. long queues will be a thing of the past. A new sleek design will replace the current "stack ‘em high" interior. A very Co-operative spokesperson told me
" Now this has been leaked we can no longer deny that the Dials store is pony and trap. All the existing Staff are to be re-located to a Bombay call centre. Top news is that Sid the Big Issue and charity collector has been head hunted for the post as store manager, I really can’t say any more" she said "although we were hoping Waitrose would buy us out." She went on.

T.C.F.N.C.A.T.S.D.R. The cleverley named Campaign for New Chevrons at the Seven Dials Roundabout has reformed "We are also fighting the Council to re-instate plans to provide a dirty mattress redemption centre in Montpelier Crescent." Register your support at Calls cost £1

Bright News our friendly local "One Stop Shop" is to be the first in the city to have a marriage licence. "“The 24 / 7 lifestyles of the contemporary West Hillian demand ever more from the local convenience store. Now commuters will be able to get off the London train, shop and get married all in one location." Said Vinod . "Next month we will also be introducing a revolutionary photography service. Ever wished you didn't have to spend valuable time taking holiday snaps? Well now our in store photographer will actually accompany you on your honeymoon, holiday or special event and take all the pictures for you. As with our extensive organic range we think this service will be very popular." He smiled.

Tinkers have now got a tailor.

For a mere "£1.50 annually West Hill residents can sign up to receive text alerts from the Council informing them of any local disasters and any need to evacuate the city. A local who has already been using the service for some time told me "It'’s a bit of a con really I haven'’t ever had a single text from them."

Spotted on the manor last month The Council Enforcer sporting a charming yellow fleurescent vest handing out penalty tickets to traders for obstructing pavements This column supports the absolute rights of local stores to block pavements with any paraphanalia they like even bathroom sinks.

Any shop keepers that feel they have been unfairly treated by this column and subsequently withdrawn advertising I would like to make it quite clear that you haven't and that you are very nice people.
Brighton is officially the top parking ticket issuing location outside of London. A Council spokesperson apologised for this embarassing second position and promised " Our wardens will do better in future."

Dave Radtke Tin Drum supremo and all round guy is to be the first President of the newly inaugurated West Hill Dials traders association. He was voted unanimously in his absence by a group of other people. An insider thought to be close to someone who once met him e-mailed me "“Lets not pussy around! the boys the boy for the job. There was no contest. David is honoured to be the new President and will continue to champion for the West Hill Dials Little London area." His first tasks will be to launch the Dials International Open Air Food and Crazy Golf Festival in August and the now almost famous Dials Xmas lighting extravaganza in December."

West Hill Street residents have finally come out into the open no longer waiting for the cover of darkness to use communal bins in Compton Ave and Buckingham Rd. “It’s a relief to no longer feel guilt or shame I should have come out earlier months ago” one said.

Silly me. I went into the new ultra modern Mishon office to book
A safari holiday in Kenya only to find out it was still an estate agency.

Jo Brooks publicist of Jo Brooks publicity said, "All at Jo Brooks PR say hi." More on Jo Brook's comment might be found on Jo Brooks web site WWW.JoBrooks.Com. Also on the site are pictures of Jo Brooks (The publicist) with lots of C list celebrity actors, tailors, and a sailor. Any similarity with the name Jo Brooks to other people called Jo Brooks is purely coincidental. The publicity for Jo Brooks briefly mentioned hear is for no other Jo Brooks only this Jo Brooks. hankyou.

Good things are worth waiting for! The two new shops next to Flush opposite Couch and nearly a quarter of a mile from the Gourmet Delicatessen are to become Thai Restaurants. This will boost the number locally to a fab four.The Council Food Czar has announced that this section will be re named the Thai Quarter.

May 1st has long been an important day worldwide, more so this year with the opening of Dalley’s Tapasery's themed garden.Neighbours have long been awaiting this scrumdiscous event, one said "A very handsome local estate agent told me it will effect the price of my property by thousands so at last I have had some good luck for a change." she emailed.

For updates and more information on all these stories PLEASE PRESS YOUR RED BUTTON NOW.

RIP Sargeant Stone "That was the way you did it."

More free summer fun to all our readers.

Pizza Girl.

Stop Press. Sid the charity collector declines management job at Co-op. He was thought to have said " I was tempted but I
owe it to all the local people that support me to carry on with my personal charity."


Pizza Girl April/May 2005 Issue 11.

Ever sensitive Architects and Planners show they really do have a sense of humour as the Manhattan skyline proposals keep on coming . Naturally these plans are for the benefit of the town, not as my neighbour says just about prestige power and money. Without people like them landmark buildings like the Brighton Centre would never have been built.

The Dials is the new Preston Street it is official.

“ This accolade is only ever awarded to to areas that have over 15 food and drink outlets” Said the Council food Czar. “ In recognition of the Dials reaching this millstone, the area will be fast-tracked for new posh street lighting, and a shed load of money will be given to Zap Arts to do lots of stuff.” she announced.

London newcomer? Afternoon off? Then do the time warp. Be a Dr Who and do some time travel. Your destination? Nostalgic London Road. “ Like Brighton used to be BC (before cuppuchino.) and England was in black and white.” You’ll love it.

Why pay eighty odd pounds to park in your own road? Spray over parking restrictions with one simple press of the thumb. Will the Phantom Sprayer Parking Protest Avenger please step out of the shadows? mind the traffic though. Any body know who it is?

“Sod Art lets drink.” B.a.g. lady Alicia has done what so many other local businessmen have failed to achieve, get building work done on budget and on time, with the transformation of her Art Gallery into a super modernist shrine to cuppuchino culture. It’s already buzzing with (us) bright young things. along with the Red Snapper it’s my tip for the new Dials Eatery of the year award. With scrummy scran from the kitchens of the superlative Tutti Frutti it’s an odds on cert. Shame smoking hasn’t been banned though the painting that I bought stinks. Yuck

The fantastic super brilliant nice people at Austin Grey, (A major advertiser of this organ)
has thrown caution to the wind and gone boldly where no other estate agent has dared to go before. The world of comedy. We applaud their innovative pink bordello look interior and loved their photo shoot for Latest Homes magazine. The chief estate agent posing on the floor sketch was hilarious.
We can’t wait for the Mishon Makay office to top that.

Council chiefs have been inundated with complaints from residents wanting a communal bin outside of their homes. “ We love the bins it’s not fair they stay in one spot all the time. At least there could be a waiting list for others to have a turn.” Someone said.

Wild life groups have also hit out at the new bin container scheme, “ It’s a disgrace and shows little compassion for the seagulls, foxes and rats that once did so much for the colourful character of the area. West Hills loss will benefit towns like Fishersgate and Seaford. Tourists will flock there to to see their beloved gulls and critters. There will be no tourists in Brighton in three years or so Brighton will become a ghost town.” they predicted. “The knock on effect will mean the closure of the London to Brighton rail link.” they added. remember where you heard it first.

Factoid: North Laines you may have a Waggammama but we have both Brighton’s sex shops

St Anne’s Well Caff is to be yuppy-duppydoo-afied. Our very own Juliette is to launch her latest adventure there. will the new restaurant take on a film theme? comic films were shot there even before Chaplin made it to Hollywood.

Blimey it’s all food food food. Cafe One Ten ( In the old toilet block) is doing gourmet Curry Nights on Wednesday. Well tasty.

the Red Snapper previously the wonderbra, won’t be open in the evenings for it’s own amazing curries for a couple of months. At least not until some hiccups with extractors and loos are sorted, but breakfast and lunch are now being served with top Thai hospitality.

It’s really fantastic superbly priced food. Perhaps the owners would like to advertise with us our rates really are reasonable and we go to thousands of local homes.

Celebrity watchers on the manor last month had a treat with Cate Blanchett topping the West Hill A list. Cate was spotted in sixties jumble sale emporium Pure buying furniture for her Sussex square Penthouse condo.
C list spots include include publicist Jo brooks sporting a badge reading “”I’m Jo Brooks Publicist” in big letters.. Chris I’m the boy” Eubanks was clocked pedalling his sSinclair c5 down albert Road and Sally Naff links Taylor, anchor gal of local TV new south today. ( Local as in Reading, Oxford and Dorset.) She was seen drinking in the Trafalgar ( Battle Of) Guest appearance of the month was JAMIE OLIVER at Tinkers farewell bash. Did you know Tinkers carry one of the largest stocks of light bulbs in the world and that Jo brooks is a publicist?

E-mail me

A free brilliant summer to all my readers

Pizza Girl.

Pizza Girl. Feb / March 2005 Issue 10.

Gossip and Grumbles with Pizza Girl.

ESTATE AGENTS WARS. Dials realators are competing to have the trendiest interior design but who will be the first to have
a champagne and oyster bar area? Watch this space

B.A.G. lady gallery owner alicia has plans for an inspiring new make over to her gallery to be named the Bank cafe / bar. Rumours she will have an estaate agency area are unconfirmed.

West Hill Traffic You can't beat light coloured tarmac to slow down a boy racer. According to the council giving us the hump should make us calmer. Time will tell.

Advanced news the Council is to give five pounds for every one pound the local traders raise towards the sensational 2005 Dials christmas illumination extravaganza. Acouncil spokesperson commented " We are able to make this offerhaving seen the effort of 2004."

Yo Yeoman you are looking dapper in your new exterior livery and the organic locally sourced menu is tempting.
Why not lead the way and be the first local pub \ restaurant to cater for smokers only?

The I-never-miss-a-day charity collector outside to Co-op would like to thank all the locals for their continued support of his record breaking five year residency. a>

His familiar cry "Help the Homeless" always bring a smile.

Contoversial new plans leaked today by someone who knows someone at the Council reveal, Dyke Road between Clifton Road ( Dentist ) and Bath Street ( Cafe One Ten- Couch Bar) is to be pedestrianised. the pavements on each side will be lowered and widened by a further 24 feet and traffic re routed one way in the direction of Hove, via a central cobbled roadway.

These improvements will enable the Council to increase it's business charges to the numerous restaurants and bars (8) for placing tables and chairs and bathroom supplies on the crazy paved landscaped area planned to replace the road.
A Council insider was overheard to say " We are always looking for ways to generate more income in order to employ more traffic wardens. It's all part of our commitment to a greener transport policy, but most of all it'll be nice for people and it's not far from where my girlfriend lives. Naturally we will be consulting residents but to save time this wil happen once the changes have beeb made." She added.

C.F.M.N.I.A.T.D. the newly formed Campain For More Neon Lighting At The Dials awarded Dall's Tapas it's elite prize

at a flashy awards ceremony in Jan's Pantry last night "Neon is a gas" said an insider. "We want more neon, when do we want it? Now. " He chanted.

Welcome the Red Snapper

Top explanation by the Chief Exec of the Brighton Festival for the 1.1£million defecit in the Domes operations. Argus 19.01.05
"900 events were planned at a certain amount this turned out to be only 600 events that cost varying amounts." council chiefs responded " Complicate information given by the festival organisers made it difficult for Council officers to understand." Is this a good time to ask for some smart new street lighting on the Dials?

Chi Chi chandelier chic hits the Dials with the opening of Triangle Design in the vacated Dials Kids shop. We simply love their rusty french supermarket baskets.

The soon to be vacated old Mishon office close to the superlative Tutti frutti are to be replaced by a cafe bakery called the Rumour Mill.

By de Bye Timmy Tinker hi de hi Tammy Tinker. Feb / March
should see the hand over leading to the departure of the king of banter as he leaves and the arrival of the new mystery owner who I can now reveal is not as we exclusively revealed last issue Jamie Oliver. Jamie's offer was actually turned down as he was outbid at the last minute.

This column salutes Tinky for 18 years brightening up the Dials. Ciao Bella

Pizza Girl.


Pizza Girl Dec / Jan 2004/2005 Issue 9.


The Missing Issue.

Gossip & & Grumbles
Food and Drink Special.

Retiring Tommy tinker the light bulb millionairre, has clinched the deal on selling Tinkers hardware. I can exclusively reveal that the new owner is none other than the celebrity chef Jamie Oliver. Jamie told me " The bottom is falling out of the celebrity chef game, so this was an opportunnity Jules and I could not let slip, cheffing and selling hardware are really, really very similar, really..." Pucker.

Viva Espania!

Buenos diaz el tapas cntina. The Sangria flowed, paella voluvents were consumed. The gypsy Kings flew over especially and played into the early hours.

The guests? a who's Who of the local shopkeeping glitterati, mingled gaily at the best launch a Tapas restaurant at the Dials has ever had. guest of honour were Linda Barker and officers from brighton planning and building control, who performed an erotic flamenco dance to the delight of a packed floor, who's grout was hardly dry.
Ole amigos.

Tv bosses are looking for contestants for an up an coming food and drink show to be filmed in West Hill called Repitition Repitition Repitition.

We are the new Preston Street we are. No sooner did the "fry-ups" at the self named Wonder Bar get a great review on a German website it closed it doors forever. Mr "Personality transplant "himself, he of the Tweed hat, the man they named the animal liberation front after Mr Alf has retired to Mile Oak only to be replaced by a Thai Restaurant to be called the Red Snapper. One Thai restaurant every 20 metres is never enough.
If the new owners need some design do's and don'ts they need look no further than TheLlittle Buddha.

Sexy Keith Bryden has re-submitted the plans to build flats above his hardware shop opposite homeless house.
The architect? No other than Tin Drum entrepreneur and Mill row draughtsman, Daid Radtke. Keiths favourite food is rare lamb shank.

The now defunct launderette is still available for a culinary make over since the application for Wine World was turned down. It would make a great bookshop-internet cafe especially as there are only eight places where you can sit and have a latte on the Dials. Odds on favouritegot to be an Real Estate Offic. The joys of hindsight.

Next years inaugral dials International food Fest is probably definately on. Organisers
believed to be a Dials Restaurant "We use loads of cream in all our dishes." are very excited. A person close to the owners told someone close to me " West hill Dials / Little London is represented by every cuisine you can think of (except Bulgarian Syrian and Uzbeki.-PG) We want to celebrate this tasty diversity with a fun family, summer weekend. Dyke road will be closed to traffic from Compton Ave to Addison Rd. Within a few years we expect this festival of fab food fun to rival Notting Hill Carnival and Crufts".

Juliette and her posse, from the co-incidently named Juliette's on trendy Melville Road, headed for the Davys Tapas launch but ended up watching the preceedings from the couch in the Tin Drum window .

Lah de Dah! This world fusion nosh is all very well for us D.I.N.K.Y.S. but what of the afficionados of the all-day gut buster British fry up?The answer my friends isthe Bath Street sandwich bar that became a cafe that became a Turkish meze Bar that has now been invented as Bacon and Egg Wonderland. the prices would have been cheap even in the 70's. Give it a try soon because it could become a salt beef and bagel bar any minute...

Tv bosses are looking for contestants for an up an coming food and drink show to be filmed in West Hill called Repitition Repitition Repitition.

This manor is well represented with cutting edge contemporary retail design. Alldays, purveyors of fine foods, is probably more on the edge than anywhere else except perhaps for it's sister shop the Co-op. It will come as no suprise then that they have been nominated for a top council design award. A delirious Alldays spokesperson commented " We are very proud of our store but must thank Dean and Delucia, our Manhattan mentors for the inspiration and ideas."

The orgy of graffiti madness last month made more sense when my Adrian pointed out that the tags were in fact Latin for "Eat at the Seven Dials." Classy.

R.I.P. Pete McCarthy writer and broadcaster. This column sends love and respect to a true talent.

Pizza Girl will be back in the New Year.


Pizza Girl. October / November 2004 Issue 8

Gossip and Grumbles with Pizza girl.

An area with a kids clothes shop is an area on the U.P shame ours is
closing.The owners are off to France ( bon chance mon braves) Hot tip is it’s to
be replaced by another estate agent. Excellent news indeed, as this
means more signboards left on buildings for months and months. They
really brighten up the neighbourhood. Result.

Tv bosses are looking for contestants for an up and coming property show
to be set in West Hill entitled Repetition, Repetition, Repetition,

Bathroom supremo Parkers
has a great sense of humour as well as
a large local property portfolio. Leaving an old bath filled with
cardboard boxes for nearly two weeks on the pavement in BATH street was
a real laff.

Nice to see some of the old Compton Arms lags propping up the bar in

Westhillians and Dialites are to share in a Bonanza of arts cash.
Southern Arts in collaboration with the Council will be funding
strategically placed character actors to bring “atmosphere, edge and
eccentricity “ back to our area. Look out for the three scallies with
Burberry Check baseball caps outside the Co-op nightly. A middle aged
red faced spoon playing tramp outside the post office and a group of six
cider drinkers scheduled for Montpelier Crescent.

Tv bosses are looking for contestants for an up and coming property show
to be set in West Hill entitled Repetition, Repetition, Repetition,

Record breaker. The longest queue in the Co-op’s history was achieved
at the Dials branch last month, Congratulations.

Missing! Omah Vat, last seen running video and newsagents with lottery

What a Pizza Girl really really wants? Those great street lamps in
Preston Street and Brunswick, for our manor.

Local planning apps:

An application has been submitted by the old launderette for A3 use.
This was swiftly followed by an application to the Law courts from Wine
Land to sell booze off-sales. If it opens it will mean I can choose
between anyone of 9 off licenses all within 5 minutes of my condo. How

32c Buckingham Street Demolition of block of flats to be replaced by
pugilist gym and single family home.

Young Keith Brydens plan to put a three story block on his Deco hardware
store has been temporarily withdrawn.

House in Vernon Terrace ... seeks change from a Buddhist centre to five
flats with good karma.

Planning delays at Dali's were well explained by the Council report
which stated
“...their drawings are not correct.”...”it was very much a good
traditional shop front that should have been retained.” “This was
removed without planning permission.”
Now it’s all sorted and the new shop front is better than ever .

C.N.M.C.S.A.S.D.R. The Campaign for New Metal Chevrons Signs Around
Seven Dials Roundabout has folded. A devastated spokesperson said “We’ve
sunk thousands and about two hours work into this.

I’m absolutely barking mad. It’s a sign ot the times when people are too busy drinking
cappuccino to care about new yellow and black chevrons “

Stop press Tinker to leave Dials. Retiring Tommy Tinker will surely be
missed by one and all. I’m reliably informed his parting shot, will be
to co-ordinate the inaugural Dials Christmas Lighting Fandango. All
shopkeepers and business's should see Tommy with their contribution by
October 31.

R.I.P Edward aged 92 international journalist & distinguished West
Hill gent. . Cheerio our friend.

Pizza Girl.

Pizza girl Awards:

Best shop frontage and display. Marina Cash

Best Summer make over. TuttiFrutti Italian Shop.

The Happy Seagull Ripped Black Bag awards. Dyke Road Mews .

Pizza Girl The Trans-Atlantic issue Aug / sept 2004 Issue 7

                                     TransAtlantic.        Gossip and Grumbles with Pizza Girl.

New York brunch.Coffee and French toast swimming in a huge oil slick of maple syrup, I flip open my lap top....this girls got  mail... could be trouble...yep my editor at the Whistler wants some Gossip and Grumbles and she wants them now. Three thousand miles and the last eight weeks have seperated me from West Hilly action but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Log on and surf.

Tap..Tap ..
.Good Companions Brighton....Interesting stuff but not quite what I was after, my spam traffic is definately going to get weird now.

Tap Tap.. SevenDials.....Aha the familiar local eatery, I check out the reviews....”for media darlings and posh students”...  “a taste of London in Brighton”.....”.to good for the people of Brighton”  “a little Soho”  “ location isn’t great, views aren’t exactly the Serengetti at sunset but at least you get a ring side seat of the motorists slugging it out on the Seven Dials roundaout....” I’m feeling  home sick already .

Tap..Tap LatestHomesMagazine .... “Seven Dials  becoming one of Brightons most sought after.....a kind of  village....strong community area in it’s own right....favoured Westhill.. posh Seven Dials...boasts a selection of  good schools....fine array of cafes..handy for commuters etc.
This for a featured  property in Leopold Road which blatently puts its location as “ in the desirable Clifton area” Excuse me but that must make Terminus Road lower Pimlico.

Tap..Tap Bins Brighton... The  Stomp home page, ....oh ****  deadlines looming.......

Tap..Tap Communal bins ..aha my little container friends. I download the complete unexspurgated Council report,  8,989 words, that’s 52,182 letters . The summary... “residents generally positive..... important for the council to continue with the planned questionnaire to all households in the trial area and allow  households to give their experience and views...” Seems we will be getting a questionaire, just like last time?

Tap..Tap Brighton uk Weather. Blimey my darlings here’s me thinking the toe ring season was in full swing.. brrr that kind of July gale could bring down the West Pier once and for all. The poor trees must be so wind scorched ......five minutes to deadline

“Tap ..Tap HistoryWestHill....looks interesting...My Brighton and

“ ..some parts of the district fell into disfavour. St Michaels Place became a byword for racketeering landlords; Vernon Terrace was used as a DHSS 'holding area'; student bedsit  land was established along Montpelier Road; and  heavily increased road traffic made the Seven Dials area seven times more polluted.”

From a time before Brighton was in colour and only  Hoogstraten was  making a pile out of property were all at it....three mins to deadline... I  follow a link to WykhamTerrace,...what fun an interview with Leo Sayer  “we’re about to release a C.D. of our earliest demos, from '97', would you believe. It's called "Wykeham Terrace", which was the street just off the Clock Tower where Dave had his flat and we wrote "The Show Must Go On" etc.”  Who said the internet is fulll of trivia?

Tap Tap. Tinkers Brighton.....fabulous result...”Mr Tinkers top ten facial expressions” excellent...taking ages to download.... thank goodness the yellow cab taking me to Brooklyn and Brighton Beach has a wireless internet connection, because I can make the deadline by just pressing...send

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