Thursday, September 27, 2007


Geeky, Multi Tasking,texting,Techno Chick, Edition.

October 2007

Cheeky hubby Adrian may call me a geeky, multi tasking, texting, techno chick, but an old fashioned chin wagg over the garden fence is much more my style. Adrian also says I have nearly as many piercings as WiFi devices. That’s totally ridiculous as I clearly have loads more piercings. What does he know?

OK admittedly I do send and receive the odd text on my i-phone, but never more than thirty or forty in a day. Even then that's really only people wanting to know where I am or telling me where they are. So really that hardly counts. That's just friendship. Texting is about relationship building. Geraldine says it makes some people feel important and needed. I disagree, it just creates a sense of self worth knowing people care enough to text and tell you where they are and what shop they’re in. If we can’t feel good about ourselves what's the point of having your nails done? What's the point of shopping at all? I rest my case.
Believe me, my 24/6 lifestyle (At the moment I have to work on Thursdays) is busy enough for a whole family of five but I would never ever neglect my relationships for technology. My ipod, iphone and LapTop (OS X) are just tools to facilitate communication showing others how much I care.

True modern technology makes demands, especially since the smoking ban has ‘come in’. It’s virtually impossible for me to walk past any of the Dials hostelries without stopping and gassing with the gaggles of gaspers gathered outside for a smoke. I do find that if you allow an extra half an hour or so for shopping trips to buy milk and stuff it doesn't interfere too much. Especially now that virtually every local cafe bar and tanning shop offer free WiFi internet access. Surely the Dials is this city’s Wi Fi wired hotspot ? The Dials air waves must be busier than NASA’s. None of my neighbours bother with buying broadband accounts. Laptops, Blackberries and Skype phones all work brilliantly whilst on the hoof to the Polish food Schoppe or to the Post Office so you never really have to ever be out of touch from anyone anywhere ever again.

Did you know you are more likely to die from an accident caused by texting whilst walking than from passive smoking? Geraldine says that it is an amazing indictment of contemporary western lifestyles. I disagree. If you’re not looking whilst crossing the Dials it’s absolutely distinctly clearly apparent you’re going to get mullered.

Nowadays I get most of my stuff from Sixty Seven at the old Brydens Hardware store. Sixty Seven is definitely my new favourite shop. I could never find anything useful at Bryden’s. Whoever invented the life style shop should be medalised.
I sit at Sixty Seven most afternoons writing up my blog, enjoying coffee and delicious home-made strudel with lashings of aerosolised fresh cream. Sixty Seven are so lucky to have that sunny patio at the front. Talk about gold mine, they must be worth an absolute mint! I think they are the first place in town to have the new Archos 605 Wi Fi 30gb portable video players at all the tables. The 4”x3” touch screens are an amazing 800x400 pixels. Wow. Geraldine and I watched the first two hour episodes of The Prisoner DVD box set we bought in New York. If you think about it, it makes the £3.65 for the lattes we had quite reasonable.

A big welcome for Blenio’s and Zuma to our manor and a farewell to BAG, Dali’s, and Idlewilds, plus a big adieu to the Couch Bar but also congratulations to the Fat Crumpet its successor. (Interesting name, are they after the Pink Pound or some niche market me wonders?). The Crumpet’s designer has made it look exactly like the old Compton Arms right down to the flock wall paper. Best of all, the old Compton lags have found their way back. What characters?

The opening night party was a pure Brighton glitteratti event, heaving with contemporary cognoscenti and celebrity estate agents. I like my shakers and movers to have powerful black cars, beards and personalised number plates, don’t you? If only Capron, Van-Day and Fanshawe could have made it.

The San Francisco cast of Stomp performing the cabaret were sensational. How they do that dustbin thing I’ll never know? I think Robbie the Hove Station car wash billionaire sponsored it. I wouldn’t want my car cleaned by anyone else. Would you? The whole launch event was filmed by six video camera phone operators, edited and put on youTube within five minutes. Loads of people have texted me to say that they have seen me all over Flickr. Again!

Wow what Wi Fi fun we had. That night this girl was texted, blogged, digitised, Flickr-ed, Myspaced and Couchsurfed. Brilliant? You bet! but when it comes down to it, at the end of the day a chin wag over the garden fence is still much more my style.

See you at the Dials Winter Wonderland of Christmas lights festivities....I’m switching them on, are you?


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