Friday, March 24, 2006


Estonian State Visit to Brighton's Seven Dials . A special report by a roving informant.

Black bin containers were the stars of the show as an Estonian delegation visited the Seven Dials.
Locals and workmen alike watched incredulously as the 100 strong delegation smartly paraded in the uniforms presented to them by Brighton and Hove Council at an earlier ceremony .
The Police helicopter gunship hovered overhead as cleansing operatives performed deft moves with the bins. At one point the huge machine spread a mechanical arm scooped up a container and hoisted it effortlesly skyward. The Estonians applauded along with patients awaiting dental correction at the surgery ajacent to Brydens Hardware store who had a fine view.

A local resident at Hoomleas house, (who asked not to be named ) told our informant " We were very dissapointed, we had a very restricted view because of the fleet of coaches that parked outside our block. Most of our residents had been in their flats all night, so it turned out to be a complete waste of time. Will there be a special tea for us Seniors? she went on.
A resident from classy Clifton told us "We obviously knew about the visit andimmiediately invited them to see our Seagull Bags but we were snubbed.

This is not the last you will hear from us, although our sister organisation ETA has announced a cease fire today, we certainly have not. We will use other peoples black bin containers, but they will never put them onto our streets," She vowed.
No Estonians were prepared to comment. "Thank goodness the Estonians didn't arrive later in the week when we were on strike and the streets once again became seagull heaven" added a Council operative.

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