Monday, January 02, 2006


Pizza Girl The Trans-Atlantic issue Aug / sept 2004 Issue 7

                                     TransAtlantic.        Gossip and Grumbles with Pizza Girl.

New York brunch.Coffee and French toast swimming in a huge oil slick of maple syrup, I flip open my lap top....this girls got  mail... could be trouble...yep my editor at the Whistler wants some Gossip and Grumbles and she wants them now. Three thousand miles and the last eight weeks have seperated me from West Hilly action but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Log on and surf.

Tap..Tap ..
.Good Companions Brighton....Interesting stuff but not quite what I was after, my spam traffic is definately going to get weird now.

Tap Tap.. SevenDials.....Aha the familiar local eatery, I check out the reviews....”for media darlings and posh students”...  “a taste of London in Brighton”.....”.to good for the people of Brighton”  “a little Soho”  “ location isn’t great, views aren’t exactly the Serengetti at sunset but at least you get a ring side seat of the motorists slugging it out on the Seven Dials roundaout....” I’m feeling  home sick already .

Tap..Tap LatestHomesMagazine .... “Seven Dials  becoming one of Brightons most sought after.....a kind of  village....strong community area in it’s own right....favoured Westhill.. posh Seven Dials...boasts a selection of  good schools....fine array of cafes..handy for commuters etc.
This for a featured  property in Leopold Road which blatently puts its location as “ in the desirable Clifton area” Excuse me but that must make Terminus Road lower Pimlico.

Tap..Tap Bins Brighton... The  Stomp home page, ....oh ****  deadlines looming.......

Tap..Tap Communal bins ..aha my little container friends. I download the complete unexspurgated Council report,  8,989 words, that’s 52,182 letters . The summary... “residents generally positive..... important for the council to continue with the planned questionnaire to all households in the trial area and allow  households to give their experience and views...” Seems we will be getting a questionaire, just like last time?

Tap..Tap Brighton uk Weather. Blimey my darlings here’s me thinking the toe ring season was in full swing.. brrr that kind of July gale could bring down the West Pier once and for all. The poor trees must be so wind scorched ......five minutes to deadline

“Tap ..Tap HistoryWestHill....looks interesting...My Brighton and

“ ..some parts of the district fell into disfavour. St Michaels Place became a byword for racketeering landlords; Vernon Terrace was used as a DHSS 'holding area'; student bedsit  land was established along Montpelier Road; and  heavily increased road traffic made the Seven Dials area seven times more polluted.”

From a time before Brighton was in colour and only  Hoogstraten was  making a pile out of property were all at it....three mins to deadline... I  follow a link to WykhamTerrace,...what fun an interview with Leo Sayer  “we’re about to release a C.D. of our earliest demos, from '97', would you believe. It's called "Wykeham Terrace", which was the street just off the Clock Tower where Dave had his flat and we wrote "The Show Must Go On" etc.”  Who said the internet is fulll of trivia?

Tap Tap. Tinkers Brighton.....fabulous result...”Mr Tinkers top ten facial expressions” excellent...taking ages to download.... thank goodness the yellow cab taking me to Brooklyn and Brighton Beach has a wireless internet connection, because I can make the deadline by just pressing...send
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