Monday, January 02, 2006


Pizza Girl The Hollywood Edition 13 Aug / /Sept 2005


Aug / Sept 2005

Two profusely sweating women are chopping wood in their adjacent West Hill gardens.

( Sound of Gun shots )

“Hey guys
How are you?
I’m good, how are you?
I’m not good,
That’s bad.
It’s wicked that we women are now guys as well.
Yeah wicked.
Who do you reckon has got the biggest fleet?

( Loud screams and shouting )

The Spanish?
No Mishon Makay, their Smart Cars are parked everwhere.
I’ll tell you who has the best teeth, that Tony Udden he’s got the finest nashers in WestHill.
Yes, we’re lucky having the fittest looking real estate agents in Brighton.
Yeah cool.
I’ve heard the traders are doing a saucy Xmas calendar.

( More police sirens sounds )

I expect it’s part of the Dials Xmas spectacular
Probably. I missed it again last year.
Funny so did I.
Staying local Saturday ?
Yes I’m on a new diet, Italian for breakfast,Tapas for lunch,Thai for tea and Japanese for supper.Then it’s over to the Art Bar for some Babycham and a Curry to finish off.
Want to come?
Can’t I’m going on the Compton Avenue 4x4 owners club annual off road drive.
Oh! Where to?
We drive in convoy round and round Dyke Road Park
Sounds er different.
Yes. I’ts a nice change from the school-run

( The Police helicopter hovers low overhead.)

See that French place has opened up.
Next to that other French place,Triangle Design, the one with the rusty old van.
Is it?
No, open?
Yes it sells gourmet French boil in a bag food like Poulet a la basquaise.
I’ve got a red silk one, my Adrian loves it.
Its called Le Petit Pain.
He likes a bit of that to.

(more sirens, shouts, and car doors slamming.)

That makes 15 places selling food between the dentist and the cab office.
At least next to Tinkers is going to be a print shop.
Do you think they’ll do coffees?
Have you seen that amazing tree next to the new kiosks by the organic kebab place?
You mean S.O.B.S
Oh is that what it is! I thought it was a Copper Beech .
’ve heard one of the new kiosks is going to be called Mr Maos selling Chinese political posters, cultural revolution memorabilia and noodles.
That’s nice, what about the other one?

(more gun shots)

Any gossip?
Well apparently Bob Geldoff is getting a place on West Hill street and the News of the World are going to do an expose on the phantom parking sign sprayer.
Geldoff will sort out the parking problems.

(A sudden summer thunder storm the two tatooed women run for cover.)


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