Monday, January 02, 2006


Pizza Girl April/May 2005 Issue 11.

Ever sensitive Architects and Planners show they really do have a sense of humour as the Manhattan skyline proposals keep on coming . Naturally these plans are for the benefit of the town, not as my neighbour says just about prestige power and money. Without people like them landmark buildings like the Brighton Centre would never have been built.

The Dials is the new Preston Street it is official.

“ This accolade is only ever awarded to to areas that have over 15 food and drink outlets” Said the Council food Czar. “ In recognition of the Dials reaching this millstone, the area will be fast-tracked for new posh street lighting, and a shed load of money will be given to Zap Arts to do lots of stuff.” she announced.

London newcomer? Afternoon off? Then do the time warp. Be a Dr Who and do some time travel. Your destination? Nostalgic London Road. “ Like Brighton used to be BC (before cuppuchino.) and England was in black and white.” You’ll love it.

Why pay eighty odd pounds to park in your own road? Spray over parking restrictions with one simple press of the thumb. Will the Phantom Sprayer Parking Protest Avenger please step out of the shadows? mind the traffic though. Any body know who it is?

“Sod Art lets drink.” B.a.g. lady Alicia has done what so many other local businessmen have failed to achieve, get building work done on budget and on time, with the transformation of her Art Gallery into a super modernist shrine to cuppuchino culture. It’s already buzzing with (us) bright young things. along with the Red Snapper it’s my tip for the new Dials Eatery of the year award. With scrummy scran from the kitchens of the superlative Tutti Frutti it’s an odds on cert. Shame smoking hasn’t been banned though the painting that I bought stinks. Yuck

The fantastic super brilliant nice people at Austin Grey, (A major advertiser of this organ)
has thrown caution to the wind and gone boldly where no other estate agent has dared to go before. The world of comedy. We applaud their innovative pink bordello look interior and loved their photo shoot for Latest Homes magazine. The chief estate agent posing on the floor sketch was hilarious.
We can’t wait for the Mishon Makay office to top that.

Council chiefs have been inundated with complaints from residents wanting a communal bin outside of their homes. “ We love the bins it’s not fair they stay in one spot all the time. At least there could be a waiting list for others to have a turn.” Someone said.

Wild life groups have also hit out at the new bin container scheme, “ It’s a disgrace and shows little compassion for the seagulls, foxes and rats that once did so much for the colourful character of the area. West Hills loss will benefit towns like Fishersgate and Seaford. Tourists will flock there to to see their beloved gulls and critters. There will be no tourists in Brighton in three years or so Brighton will become a ghost town.” they predicted. “The knock on effect will mean the closure of the London to Brighton rail link.” they added. remember where you heard it first.

Factoid: North Laines you may have a Waggammama but we have both Brighton’s sex shops

St Anne’s Well Caff is to be yuppy-duppydoo-afied. Our very own Juliette is to launch her latest adventure there. will the new restaurant take on a film theme? comic films were shot there even before Chaplin made it to Hollywood.

Blimey it’s all food food food. Cafe One Ten ( In the old toilet block) is doing gourmet Curry Nights on Wednesday. Well tasty.

the Red Snapper previously the wonderbra, won’t be open in the evenings for it’s own amazing curries for a couple of months. At least not until some hiccups with extractors and loos are sorted, but breakfast and lunch are now being served with top Thai hospitality.

It’s really fantastic superbly priced food. Perhaps the owners would like to advertise with us our rates really are reasonable and we go to thousands of local homes.

Celebrity watchers on the manor last month had a treat with Cate Blanchett topping the West Hill A list. Cate was spotted in sixties jumble sale emporium Pure buying furniture for her Sussex square Penthouse condo.
C list spots include include publicist Jo brooks sporting a badge reading “”I’m Jo Brooks Publicist” in big letters.. Chris I’m the boy” Eubanks was clocked pedalling his sSinclair c5 down albert Road and Sally Naff links Taylor, anchor gal of local TV new south today. ( Local as in Reading, Oxford and Dorset.) She was seen drinking in the Trafalgar ( Battle Of) Guest appearance of the month was JAMIE OLIVER at Tinkers farewell bash. Did you know Tinkers carry one of the largest stocks of light bulbs in the world and that Jo brooks is a publicist?

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A free brilliant summer to all my readers

Pizza Girl.
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