Monday, January 02, 2006


Pizza Girl Plain Old Gossip & Grumbles 14 Oct Nov 2005

Gossip and Grumbles with Pizza Girl.



Goodbye, Fairwell, Adieu.
To the sixties jumble sale shop Pure which indeed brought
a tiny bit of Islington High Street to Chatham Place.

Also aurevoir to Marina Cash Registers Co which was highly regarded on all but one continent. Officiandos of this column will recall it was voted the Pizza Girl Shop front of the year in 2004. Dials residents were distrought “ No fish and chip shop and now nowhere to buy cash registers! What next?” said an older lady wearing an overcoat and head scarf.
Guilford Road Shamed:
Congratulations to the excellent Red Snapper for using carboard to protect your plastic waste bags at night. Yeoman, Bystander and Battle take note .

“Nosy parker”
I went to view the stunning plans for the new housing estate by the recently derelicted garages behind Buckingham Lodge.

Dumping clapped out washing machines and rusty cars was a good move. It made a convincing image of dereliction and neglect in the planning application photos. These canny developers could teach us a few tricks in sublety.

Walk round and have a look, its by the Community hall. Anyone know who owns the garages? Well I did say I was a nosy Parker.
Yummy news:
The Marina Cash Register Co shop is to be taken over by trendy Camden Town institution, the sensational Marine Ices. A spokesperson told my friend . “ Not only is Little London a great location. location, location, but we will have nine letters left over from the shop sign.” Watch this space.
St Annes Well?

All the best to Juliette’s new venture the cafe-bar in St Annes Well Park. Don’t you just love it when you queue for fifteen minutes, make your selection from the board only to discover they have sold out of your first three choices an hour ago. S’pose making a line with chalk does take up valuable time....

My neighbours lesbian lover is a trainee statistician and has kindly worked out that every time the phantom sprayer does her \ his stuff obliterating parking signs it costs a cool £25 for the sign and £20 to actually replace them.This means the culprit has cost us a staggering 1.5 million K (We think). However all that is set to end, eagle eyed West Hillians will have noticed the new “Giraffe” poles ( £50 a pop).

“Unless the Phantom Sprayer is seven foot tall or has orangatan arms we’ve got the B’st**d said the Council parking Czar. “ “And If he/ she has, we’re one step ahead because all wardens are to be issued with temporary printed stickers to cover the graffiti and keep the bays operational.”
Seizing the moment we posed the question that’s on all of our lips “ How will the wardens reach seven foot up?” “ We’ll get back to you on that.” they responded.
Good luck to Hermione with her statistics exams next year.

Make over darling:
I can exclusively reveal the Co-op is to get a re-fit. Claire Cook head of the Co-op PR ( tel 0141 304 5528 ) told our editor: "A refit is planned for the Dyke Road store, but we currently do not have a firm date"
Sounds just like my Adrians ideas to build the new extension and swimming pool at our West Hill mansion.

Joy of Joys:
I’ve got a Tingley feeling. Marine Ices have been outbidded by an estate agent for the vacant cash register shop. How absolutely exciting.
“ I like estate agency more than ice cream. ” said another passing local.

Greasy Spoon Jinx:
Cafe in shock closure shock.Jans pantry has closed just like theTurkish Meze Bar and the Coffee Bar before it. Locals will remember that the Meze Bar incredibly folded at its own launch party. Now another new eatery concept The Hot Lemon Pot Cafe & Craft Hut has been launched on the popular Bath Street site. “ We have our fingers crossed this will be the first in a multi million pound chain.” said an insider.

No A list Celebs reported on the manor last month but B lists included Coronation Street doctor and father to Ashley Peacocks love child, Naughty Matt Ramsden. Matt is believed to be setting up a surgery in Buckingham Road.
Also spotted Simon from Bodger and Badger at a West Hill Hall dance class.
C list spots included self publicist, publicist Jo Brooks the publicist and a second siting this summer of
Sally-naff-llnks-Taylor .

Style Council:
Vivian Westwood designed platform boots are to be issued to all traffic wardens as part of new Council styling initiatives “ We have loads of money” said our insider at parking enforcement. “and anyway signs cost £27 not £25 so you should get your facts straight.” I stand corrected.

Pizza Girl.

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